Contact For Bangladesh India Courier

Attention International Courier Service Shipper, Consignee, Courier Agents: For free Consultancy for International Courier Service in Bangladesh or worldwide Please contact Yakub Call/Whats App/We Chat +88 01880000016

Saturday 26 August 2017

Bangladesh India Garments Courier is not Duty Free

Bangladesh enjoy duty free export of garments to India.
But yet courier for garments is not duty free.

Thats why when you send courier of garments to India consignee
or you need to pay duty in India.

Many times customers ask me - when garments to India is duty free,
why we should pay duty for Bangladesh India Garments Courier.

As I always reply them, it is because to avail duty free you need to
export and you need all export documents including letter of credit,
certificate of origin, etc.

In courier consignment you do not have export documents.

Therefore Bangladesh India Garments Courier is not treated
as export and as duty free import to India.

Thursday 10 August 2017

Bangladesh India Special Courier Rates

Please call +8801880000016 Phone/SMS/Whats App Yakub JHM for pick up

Bangladesh India Special Courier Rate
0.5 6.75 550
1 9.75 800
1.5 12.75 1050
2 15.75 1300
2.5 18.75 1550
3 21.75 1800
3.5 24.75 2050
4 27.75 2300
4.5 30.75 2550
5 33.75 2800

Please call +8801880000016 Phone/SMS/Whats App Yakub JHM for pick up

Monday 7 August 2017

Door to Door Bangladesh India Courier Service

We offer door to door courier service between Bangladesh and India.
Courier companies generally delivery documents for samples for customs clearance.
However if customer chose, we can offer real door to door service where no hidden
expenses will be required at destination.
For Real Door to Door Bangladesh India Courier Service please contact
Yakub JHM 8801880000016

Door to Door Bangladesh India Courier Service
Door to Door Bangladesh India Courier Service

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Courier Service From Kolkata to Bangladesh

If you have bigger quantity parcel from Kolkata to Bangladesh and you need them urgently then we can take it from Kolkata to Delhi and from Delhi we can air freight it to Dhaka. It will make faster because by road there are problem in customs that sometimes take longer time.
For special rate please contact SMS/Whats App +8801880000016